Bonitation result
Widerrist: 66 cm Brusttiefe: 32 cm Gewicht: 54 kg Rumpflänge: 72 cm - Brustumfang: 97 cm Oberkopf: 15 cm Fang 9 cm Augen. 2 a
Vorzügliches Erscheinungsbild, umgänglich, kräftiger Kopf mit deutlichen Backen, sehr guter Stopp, breiter Fang, leichte Stirnfalte und Kehlhaut, dunkelbraune Augen (2a), Innenlefzen und Zahnleiste vorzüglich pigmentiert, korrekte Brust, Vorhand gerade, leichte Schwäche im Vordermittelfuß, harmonische Nacken- und Rückenlinie, kräftige, deutlich bemuskelte Hinterhand, sehr gut gewinkelt, festes, gepflegtes Stockhaar, klar abgegrenzte Abzeichen, Rute hängend getragen.
Revieren/Stellen/Verbellen g, Griffverhalten sg, Ausdauer sg, Führigkeit sg, Schussprobe gleichtültig, Fluchtversuch/Angriff sg, Angriff aus der Bewegung sg, Einsatzfreude sg, Beruhigungsvermögen g, Belastbarkeit sg - Formwert V
Shows and examinations
Most beautiful male of show, V1, Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH, CAC, CACIB, BOS - on 30.10.2016 at the IZH 2016 in Hannover - Judge Uwe Petermann
Judas was appointed Clubwinner 2015 on 30.08.2015 at the KSZ in Rathingen -
V1, CAC, Anw. Dt.Ch.VDH - Championclass - Judge: Hans-Jürgen Radtke.
V1, CAC, Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH, Bördelandwinner,- on 02.08.2015 - Judge: Hans-Jürgen Radtke
Judas received the titel "Champion International de Beauté" on 24.09.2015.
Judas got all candidatures for the international Champion.
V1, CAC, CACIB and BOB at the international Dog-Show (Judge: Dr. Vadócz Éva ) 21.06.2015 in Velence/Hungary - Therefore Judas has all the neccessary requirements for the "international Champion".. In the FCI-Group 2 Judas achieved 2nd place in the cathegory "Best dog of show".
29./30.05.2015 Porta Westfalica - Judas passed the FH2 examination at the competition of the "ADRK BG Bückeburg und Umgebung", Judge: Heimer Wömpner.
V1, CAC, BOB, Salzlandsieger - on 05/02/15 in Aschersleben - Judge Siegmund Trebschuh
DKK`s Rottweiler club Denmark on 09/21/2014 in Toreby - Judas became Danish Champion ( DKCH )
Bonitation in autum 09/14/2014 - Judas passed the bonitation which is valid until 09/14/2016!!!
Form grade V,
Judge: Edgar Hellmann and Hans-Jürgen Radtke
V4 at the Club-Winner-Show (KSZ) in Ratingen-Lantorf on 08/24/2014 - Judge: Paul-Dieter Viehoff
V1, CAC, Anw. Dt. VDH Champion,- Oberpfalzwinner - on 07/05/2014 Judge Christian Bernbacher (Austria)
V1, Anw. Dt. VDH Champion,- on 07/06/2014 - Judge Edgar Hellmann
1 Year 7 days =06/22/2014 - Judas got, due to his Winnings, the title German ADRK Champion!!
V1, CAC, Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH,- WittenbergWinner -on 06/22/.2014 in Wittenberg - Judge: H-J Radke
V1, CAC, Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH, BOB,- Dessau-winner - on 06/082014 in Dessau - Judge: Uwe Petermann
V1, Res. CAC, Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH - on 06/072014 in Dessau,- judge: C. Bernbacher (Austria)
World-Winner-Show in Lustadt: V, - on 06/01/2014 - Judge: F. Biondolillo (Italy)
V1, CAC, Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH, Lechtal-winner,- on 05/29/2014 - Judge Edgar Hellmann
V1, CAC, Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH, Heide-winner,- on 05/25/2014 - Judge C.Wolf-Meixner
Judas was distinguished as german Champion VDH 12/18/2013
V1, Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH, - Ortenau-Show in Offenburg on 03/16/2014 - Judge: Rüdiger Schmidt
V1, Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH, Spreewinner, Res.CAC in Selchow at 12/01/2013 - Judge Siegmund Trebschuh
IPO III sucessfully passed in Bremen, Judge: Christian Wulffam 11/30/2013
Endurance test (AD) sucessfully passed at Schäferhundverein Oldenburg Hundsmühlen at 10/24/2013. Judge: Günther Müller
V1, Anw. Dt Ch.VDH, CAC, CACIB, international pedigree dog show in Hannover at 10/26/2013
IPO II sucessfully passed in Dessau u.U. at 10/13/2013 Judge: H. J. Radtke
V1, Westsachsen winner, CAC, Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH, Westsachsen winner show in Zwickau, Judge Jürgen Radtke 09/29/2013
43. Club winner breed show in Rottweil - V (6th place) Judge: Hans-Jürgen Radtke 08/18/2013
V1, Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH, Res. CAC, benefit show Dessau, Judge Siegmund Trebschuh at 08/11/2013
V1, BOB, CAC, Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH, national pedigree dog show Erfurt 2013, Judge Dr. Zaur Agabeyli at 06/15/2013
V1 Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH, Res.CAC,Kylltal show, Judge F. Hedtke
V1 Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH, national show Karlsruhe 2012, Judge W. Schicker at 11/10/2012
and other V placements...
IPO 1 sucessfluyy passed in Ohlendorf at 05/01/2013
ZTP report:
ZTP passed at 03/30/2013, BG Dessau and surrounding, Judge: Jürgen Wulf , form grade V appearance - behavior: correct size, expressive, well built, strong bones, affable, attentive, strong expressive head, very good chest proportions, medium-sized ears, carried and fitted korrectly, dark mouth pigments, dark brown eyes,strong well fitted neck, chest with correct width aud depth, korrect shoulder proportion, straight forehand, strong paws, very good neck- and ridgeline, tail saber-shaped, strong hindquarters, very good windings, strong healthy fur, rust-brown marking, lightly infiltrated at the chest, very good action of the forehand mit good drive from thehindquaters, runs a bit paw-tight
BH / VT passed in Goldenstedt a 10/06/2012